A Tip for a Weekend Trip in Slovak Paradise

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Are you visiting Slovakia and looking for some unique hiking trails? With some adventure and adrenaline? Then you must definitely visit a national park called Slovak paradise and you will find it all. This north eastern region is a gem amongst Slovak national parks. Ladders, climbing spurs, heights, views and around 300 km of marked trails …

Accommodation in Slovak paradise

We decided to look for accommodation in a village called ČINGOV from where you can start hiking to the most famous point called Tomášovský výhľad (Thomas´s view). We booked a rustic, wooden cottage called Chata Jarka in Čingov for two nights and four people. Price was set to 100 euro – 25 euro per person. I believe it was a quite fair price for this touristic spot. Cottage was located close to the creek in the middle of nowhere and still in the heart of Slovak paradise.

Hiking trails in Slovak paradise

There are many varieties of hiking trails in Slovak paradise but I can personally recommend two versions which I did personally and truly loved them.

  1. tip of hiking trail: Čingov – Tomášovský výhľad – Prielom Hornádu – Podlesok – Suchá Belá (waterfalls + ladders) – Pod Vtáčím hrbom – Kláštorisko – Čingov. It was total of 25 km, 1000 metres of elevation, 13 hours of hiking including some breaks and lunch stop.
  2. tip of hiking trail: Hrabušice časť Píla – Roklina piecky – Glac Malá Poľana – Malá Poľana rázcestie – Pal rázcestie – Píla piecky. It was total of 4 hour hike with three ladders. This trail was pretty easy and can be recommended to people of different ages and different level of physical condition.
Tomášovský výhľad
Ladders at Suchá Belá
Prielom Hornádu

Budget for a weekend in Slovak paradise

It solely depends on you and your priorities. If you are going to eat in mountain buffet and restaurants, one meal will cost you between 5 and 10 euro. It also depends from where you will be travelling, what kind of transportation you will use and where you will book your accommodation. My expenses were following:

Accommodation: 25 euro

Transportation from Bratislava: 25 euro

Food: 25 euro

TOTAL: 75 euro

Traditional Slovak steamed dumplings 🙂

After reading this article and having a look at the pictures, would you come to see our beautiful Slovak paradise?

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