Before I started my travel blog MiliMundo I got a chance to find inspiration in other more famous travel bloggers who helped to develop the intention of my own blog.
I spent many hours and days reading & exploring other blogs before I started my own. I was trying to find out how the life of digital nomad looks like and what it takes to get one. And also thanks to following 5 travel bloggers I learned what the life of travel blogger and digital nomad actually means.
Travel Life Experiences alias married couple Dorene & Troy
This inspiring Canadian couple in the middle age managed what many people cannot. After more than 15 years of normal & regular life in normal & regular jobs they said good-bye to such life and started the life of digital nomads. They sold their house, everything they had and started travelling around the world making money in the area of online marketing and blogging.
Dorene & Troy are great example that it is never too late for any life changes. And that we should live life that WE want, not the others want us to have. They are my great inspiration and mainly because of them I started to be interested in a life of digital nomad.
Travel Freak alias Jeremy Scott Foster
Jeremy from Travel Freak is one of the first travel bloggers I ran into (in online world of course). He started to travel in 2010 and his blog is very inspiring. Jeremy is trying to show people that travelling is not the thing of rich people and that everyone can afford to travel.
He has kind of “classical” destiny of digital nomad. After school he started to work in IT company but this didn´t make him happy. So he quit his job, left one way to Australia and started working as a bartender. And his life of a digital nomad started from there afterwards. Jeremy is one of the bloggers who point out that if a person truly wants something, he/she will get it. It is just necessary to have will to really want it. 🙂

Expert Vagabond alias Matthew Karsten
Matt from Expert Vagabond is one of the most successful travel bloggers I know (unfortunately not in person). Besides blogging he is a professional photographer and he started his travels also in 2010. In the last 7 years he visited more than 50 countries and his blog points out that travelling is not that expensive and that the world is not such a dangerous place as many people could think.
Matt also quit his job after he saved enough money working very hard every day for the whole year. Then he bought one way ticket to Guatemala and since then he has been travelling. Till now when he decided to live a bit more “regular” life together with his new wife and a cat in his homeland America. But in spite of this decision, he still travels a lot and continues working as a blogger. Although not living a life of vagabond anymore.

Bez Mapy alias Milan Bardún
Milan has been the first Slovak travel blogger I ran into on the internet. Also thanks to him I believe that it is possible to make money by blogging in Slovakia.
His blog Bez Mapy (Without a Map) has an aim to tear off people from their office chairs. He doesn´t focus on how to travel cheaply, he prefers destination marketing. He writes about his travel experiences in a very specific and witty way using special slang of his own. To read his everyday posts on facebook makes me simply laugh.

Crazy Sexy Fun Traveller alias Alexandra Kováčová
This blogger from East Slovakia is the first Slovak woman who made it possible to make her blog to be her full-time job back in 2011. She writes her blog in English and Slovak as I do. And also Alex inspired me that it is possible to make money on blogging not only in the world but also in my homeland Slovakia.
As you can suggest from the name of her travel blog, she is a crazy and funny girl who likes to post also sexy photos on her blog and instagram. Her blog is about her travels around the world, about wellness, yoga, swimming, snorkelling and nice beaches.

Also thanks to these above mentioned travel bloggers I found the inspiration to create my own blog MiliMundo. And although I don´t make enough money on blogging yet, I am persuaded that I can make it. If others do, why not me?! 🙂
So this article is devoted to all those who inspired me and helped me follow my travel dreams. Because without you my MiliMundo would never exist. Big THANK YOU!
If you want to find out more about my MiliMundo, its aim, purpose and how it is different from other blogs, click on CONFESSION of MiliMundo. 🙂
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Jeej, som rad, ze sa statusy pacia 😀
Pacia, pacia, dobre sa na nich dennodenne bavim 😀 Len v tom pekne pokracuj 😉