Solo travelling or travelling in couple?

I did my very first solo travel in 2015 when I took a backpack, flew to Colombia and travelled through seven countries of South America by myself. Since then I have travelled solo a lot. For example three weeks in the Philippines or four months in Central America.

However, this year 2019 I found my travel soul mate and I tried couple travelling for the first time in my life.

How do I perceive it? Which one has more advantages? Which one suits more my crazy adventurous personality?


When I travelled solo, I always felt so free. Independent. Happy. I didn´t need to ask anyone where to go, what to do, for how long to go. I did everything as my heart desired without having to look at someone else´s wishes. Thanks to solo travelling I learned a lot. My organization skills got way much better than they were. I learned more about responsibility. I learned how to predict unpredictable. How to take care of myself. How to take control over things in my surrounding.

Solo travelling has been the best teacher I have ever had in my life.

However, as everything in our life, solo travelling has its dark side, too. There were so many moments on my solo travels when I needed to have someone at my side. Moments when I was sick. Exhausted. Depressed. Sad. Hurt. Moments, when I wished to teleport myself back home to be with my beloved ones.


In 2019 I met a Slovak guy in Canada who seemed to have a lot in common with me and my crazy adventurous personality. After getting to know each other within few months in Canada, we decided to backpack through Latin American countries. Therefore, we booked a one way ticket to the Dominican Republic where we started our adventures together. And how was it?

Different. Unknown. Suddenly I had someone at my side who took my hand in the street and looked after me so crazy drivers won´t run me down. I had someone at my side who helped me with my heavy backpack on daily basis. I had to get used to have someone who was there to support me. And you know what?! It was a nice change.

To have someone who will help you out even when you don´t ask for any help.

To have someone who will bring you food when you are exhausted. Who will bring you medicine when you feel sick. Who will hug you when you need it. I felt safe while hitchhiking because I knew my boyfriend would protect me. It was all new to me…

However, also couple travelling has its disadvantages. All of the sudden, I was not alone at all. I spent 24/7 with my partner. No privacy. No space. Don´t take me wrong. I am a super sociable person, however, from time to time I need some space for myself. For my hobbies. My blog and writing. Or just to be by myself not having to talk to anyone. All of the sudden you have someone at your side who needs to be asked where you go next. What the other person also wants. You are not alone anymore. You have to think and decide for two …


Which one do I prefer? Which type of travelling suits me better? To answer this question, I guess it depends how I feel at the moment of travelling. Few years back I wanted to be single. Free. Independent. Now I feel I want to have someone at my side. To share my travel happiness with.

However, lately I started to feel that travelling doesn´t bring me as much happiness as it used to. It seems I need to take a break from travelling. Settle down. Find a job. Get surrounded by people who love me. And wait till my travel urge and desire come back. And yeah, I am sure it will come back. Stay tuned. 🙂      

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And if you are interested in articles on CENTRAL AMERICA – click HERE. On SOUTH AMERICA click HERE. 🙂

PS: Looking for great travel insurance with great prices? Insurance which you can book even when your journey has already started? Have a look at The True Traveller. I am more than happy with them. 🙂


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4 Responses

  • Za mě rozhodně ve dvojici s chlapem, ale nemusí to být nutně partner (to v mém případě asi ani hned tak nenastane, haha) – osvědčil se mi i kamarád nebo bratr. Samotnou mě to nikdy moc nebavilo ani nebaví. Jednak není s kým sdílet ani ty pěkné, ani ty strastiplné momenty, jednak na sebe strhávám příliš nechtěné pozornosti (hlavně od mužské části populace, o což většinou opravdu nestojím), a taky mám pocit , že sama se víc bojím a věci, na které bych si ve dvou troufla, o samotě vynechávám a tím pádem nezažiju… Pro stopování a couchsurfing je o něco lepší být sama, ale ve většině zemí mi přišlo, že to vyjde skoro nastejno. Spát sama ve stanu v lese, zejména v zemích jako Kanada, kde se potuluje spoustu divoké zvěře, pro mě byl vyloženě nepříjemný zážitek 🙂

    • S tým stanovaním v lese súhlasím, sama by som sa na to určite nedala. Ale pri sólo cestovaní ako takom som vlastne nikdy nebola sama hlavne kvôli couchsurfingu, akurát som to nezdieľala s osobami, ktoré by mi boli bližšie k srdiečku. Ako som písala, snáď všetko má svoje pre a proti 🙂

  • Jednoznačne sólo cestovanie 🙂 Ja mám 33 a teda sólo som sa nikdy neprejedla,praveze po 30tke je to este ovela lepsie 🙂 Vtedy si clovek vsetko najlepsie uziva,je sam so sebou – samemu sebe sme najlepsi priatel a prichadzaju tie naj idei a pocity a dpbrodruzstva! :-)))
    Je to aj v sile osobnosti,ako vie sam so sebou vydrzat.
    Mne sa nikdy neosvedcili tie nesolo cestovania,vzdy boli z toho len konflikty zaujmov,co ma uberali o energiu.Ked je silna osobnost a individualista,vystaci si sam 🙂

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