How Much Money I Needed For 1 Month “Working Vacation” in Crete (Greece)

When I decided to spend summer on the biggest Greek island Crete, I had no idea how much money I would need for such a long time here. Therefore, I decided to write this article to summarize my monthly expenses hoping it would help someone out planning their stay in Crete.

Why I moved to Crete

Firstly, I want to mention that I stayed In Crete for 31 days, based in its capital Heraklion. My teaching job allows me to work remotely, therefore, I decided to do it so while enjoying the scenery of Greek island. I reduced my schedule to only 3 working days per week while the rest was devoted to travelling and exploring Crete. Also my budget was adjusted to working and also living in Crete – not full time travelling, neither full time working.

The whole article about reasons for me moving to Crete can be found HERE.

Accommodation in Crete

When I travel, I usually use couchsurfing as means of accommodation and integration with the locals. However, this time it was different as I was coming to Crete with intention also to work, I needed my privacy and comfort.

Therefore, I booked one bedroom apartment via AirbBnB in a very good location of Heraklion for 493 for 33 nights.

Honestly, it was the cheapest option I have found in whole Crete. Location wise, it was pretty convenient, close to Chania port, around 15 min walk to the historical centre and also 15 walk to the shore. And the longer you stay, the better price you will get on AirBnB. Friend of mine was staying there for 2 months for €350 per month.

Flights to Crete

Flights to Crete can be super expensive, so it might be useful to book them in advance. Sometimes you get lucky and book some cheap ones last minute. I booked mine 3 months in advance for 50 euro (one way) and then while I stayed in Crete I booked my return ticket for only 30 euro.

In total I spent around 80 euro on flight tickets to and from Heraklion.

 And where I was flying from? VIENNA. I used Ryanair airline, but also wizzair is an option. Besides Heraklion, you can also consider an option to fly to Chania – the second biggest city of Crete located on the North-Western shore.

I usually use KIWI or Skyscanner to look for & book my flights.

Food in Crete

When you go on vacation you mostly eat outside, in restaurants and tavernas. In my case it was 50/50. Or better 80/20 haha I mostly ate outside. When I stayed “at home”, I prepared my own breakfast and lunch (mainly salads and a lot of fruits) and when I was travelling, I was spoiling myself by eating in cute local tavernas.  Prices of meals vary depending on type of restaurant. You can find one main meal for 7 but also for €20. The cheapest option was clearly traditional Greek gyros for around €3.

My monthly food and grocery expenses were €471, making the average of €15 per day.

Don´t forget that in Crete you are recommended to buy bottled water. 1 big bottle costs around €0,30 in grocery shop, around €1 in little kiosks or gas stations.

Transportation in Crete

There are no trains in Crete, however, it has pretty solid bus system all around the island. The bus tickets were inexpensive. I guess the most expensive bus ticket I bought in Crete was for around €14 going from Heraklion to Chania (2,45-hour bus journey). In order to look for bus schedule, click HERE or HERE.

I was lucky enough to make some cool Greek friends with their own cars, therefore, we usually share the gas expenses as a group. Regarding the local buses around Heraklion, they cost only 1,10 per ride and can be bought in machine at each bus stop or with the driver for an extra tiny fee.

In total I spent less than 100 for moving myself around the island.

Other expenses in Crete

Well to other expenses in Crete belong some shopping, gifts, entrance fees (museums, etc). I remember buying some nice summer clothes for €14 on a local market. Entrance fee to EL Greco museum was only 3 euro, to Chrissi island €1, to Richtis gorge €3.

In total I spent around 160 for various trinkets, souvenirs and entrance fees.


Flights: 82
Other expenses:
Greek lessons:

TOTAL: 1345 euro (31 days —– average 43,40 euro per day)

Hopefully this summary has given you an idea how (in)expensive Crete is and will allow you prepare for staying on this beautiful island full of secluded beaches, ineffable mountains and hills.

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