Whether we are about to go for short vacation or longer backpacking journey, there are always some things which need to be done before leaving. Step by step I will explain what, how and why I usually arrange before my new adventures and I hope that my tips & tricks will be useful for you. 😉
STEP 0 (the most important one) – Travel Plans
I won´t describe where, when and how to plan your journey – such as flight tickets, visa, vaccinations, etc … – (I would need at least one full blog post about it) but at least I will summarize web browsers and pages which help me book my flight tickets, bus and train tickets and accommodation.
FLIGHTS – Ryanair, Skyscanner, Cheapair
TRAINS & BUSES – GoEuro, Flixbus, RailEurope
ACCOMMODATION – Couchsurfing, Booking, Priceline
STEP 1 – Travel Insurance
As a “responsible” traveller, I almost always (OK, sometimes it happens I forget) buy my travel insurance before travelling abroad. Especially when it comes to places out of Europe where IF something happens, long distance is the thing which may cause severe complications. That is why I truly try to be responsible and get one before my journey. In Slovakia I usually buy travel insurance from UNION insurance company but I know one international called ALLIANZ. Check it out and find the best deals for you.
However, the one most convenient for me is The True Traveller which was set up back in 2010 by three travellers who have been through many adventures and know how important it is to have proper insurance. That is why their stripline is “Travel Insurance designed by travellers“.
The best thing about The True Traveller is that everything can be done ONLINE! No personal office meeting, paper refill. Their official website is super easy to handle and to choose the right insurance couldn´t be easier. It is truly simle. Prices for isurance are great compared to other insurance companies and you can get insurance for unlimited time! Which is impossible in Slovakia – there you are limited to 1 year.
STEP 2 – Annoying Bureaucracy
I am not sure how it is in your countries, but there are some strict rules in Slovakia when it comes to administration, bureaucracy and authorities. In case you as a SLOVAK CITIZEN (I am talking about my country now) want to leave your job in order to travel the world (check my last post about my case) you still have to register at Health Insurance company in Slovakia. As unemployed you have two options. You have to pay it buy yourself (61,81 euro a month) or it can be paid by Labour Office (if you have registered). However, if you start travelling you can´t be registered at Labour Office but you still have to pay for your insurance. Only if you (as a SLOVAK CITIZEN) travel out of Europe for a period longer than 6 months, you don´t have to pay for your health insurance in case you paid for commercial travel insurance. THIS IS OUR CASE IN SLOVAKIA. How is it your countries?! Some more papers to be done before leaving your country for long-term travelling? Uff, I truly hate bureaucracy.
STEP 3 – Informing at your bank
Before travelling abroad, especially to countries which may be dangerous according to media (so almost all of them haha) I advise you to visit your bank and ask for information what to do if your credit card was stolen, misused or cell phone through which you get to online banking was damaged/stolen. I know such things can be “googled out” but trust me that to have such piece of information in already stressful situation (such as robbery) will make your life little bit easier and less stressful. It´s useful to have information whether your bank can send you new credit card abroad (for example it´s not possible with my bank). Also if you have a person who your trust, let her/him have consent to handle your account in case of need. Fortunately, I was never robbed (hopefully I will never be) but it´s good to be prepared in any situation.
STEP 4 – Last shopping
This step can seem useless for many of you, but I always do some “last” shopping before I take off for new adventures. So what do I buy? Firstly, MEDICINE, which cannot be bought easily in other countries without prescription (I suffer from migraines so I won´t “survive” without my pills). Secondly, comfortable and high-quality BACKPACK. Because whole your life and stuff will be stored in backpack which YOU will carry on your shoulders so choose carefully. Thirdly, are you planning to make living out of photography or videos making? Then buying proper ELECTRONICS such as camera, laptop, GO PRO, etc … isn´t bad idea. 😉 And when it comes to clothes and cosmetics, I don´t worry anymore. It can be bought anywhere in the world. 😉
STEP 5 – Say good-bye without promises and enjoy your journey to the fullest
Saying good-bye belongs to less pleasant matters of travelling. However, it´s a crucial part of it which cannot be simply avoid. But let me give you one advice.
Promises such as “I will come back home before Christmas, before my birthday, surely we will celebrate your 30th birthday together” will only complicate your travelling and will limit your freedom of choice where, when and for how long to go. Leave your home and friends with clear conscience and without promises about which you are not sure whether they can be fulfilled.
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CARPE DIEM dear travellers 😉
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Ja si pred každou cestou, dlhšou či kratšou, robím zoznam čo si zo sebou zobrať a nezabudnút na to. Ked sa pobalím tak si zoznam skontrolujem. Keď už som na ceste tak sa držím mojho hesla, nič som nezabudla a ak som zabudla určite to potrebovať nebudem 😀 najtažšie a najvačšie balenie doteraz som mala do USA na štyri mesiace ked som išla na work and travel program. Chcela by som sa tam vratit už len pocestovať aspon minimálne na tri mesiace. Ak niekto planuje cestu do usa tak sa mu možno zíte aj tento článok https://estavisa.sk/cesta-do-ameriky/ štastnú cestu
Ten zoznam vecí je dobrý nápad, väčšinou to robím aj ja, ale na záver si vždy len poviem, že to najdoležiejtšie sú cestovné doklady a kreditky, bez zvyšku na cestách prežijeme 🙂