How much money I spent in Panama in 2 weeks

My adventure journey across Latin America n. 2 began on the 9th of January, 2018 and I decided to update you about my financial situation on this journey. How much money I spend in each travelled country, which travel item is the most expensive and which is the cheapest one.

My journey started in Colombia (read about my budget for Colombia HERE) and will (probably) finish in Canada. In between I would like to travel through Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala & Mexico. This article focuses on my financial budget for Panama – the second country of my journey.


American dollar is main currency in Panama. You can also pay with “balboa”, but only in coins.

In 14 days across Panama (actually day n. 14 was devoted for border crossing) I spent in total $359, thus 289 euro (with exchange rate to the 14th of February, 2018). You can also read about my 2 week itinerary across Panama HERE.



– my accommodation was almost for free at all places as I used couchsurfing or I stayed at places of friends of my friends (thanks Michal ;)) – In total I paid for 3 nights in various hostels in places such as Valle de Anton & Playa Venao, where the average price per night was $14

TRANSPORT —– $92,30

I travelled by buses, some were better some were worse, depending on final destination

FOOD & DRINKS —– $174

the most expensive item was food – average price per meal and drink in restaurant was about $10 and you cannot find a lot of street food in Panama – I used to cook with my couchsurfing hosts which also saved me some money

EXTRA —– $53

phone card + credit (almost $25), souvenirs, entrances, tips, etc …

To sum up, in 2 weeks in Panama I spent in total $359, thus 289 euro and I was able to keep such amount of budget mainly because I didn´t pay for my accommodation and because I avoided super touristic and thus more expensive parts of Panama such as Bocas del Toro & San Blas. I try to travel locally, avoiding super touristy places (though money is not the reason).

If you are curious how my financial budget for Costa Rica will look like, sign up your email and my next article will come directly to your email address.   


And if you want to contribute for 2018 MiliMundo travels, don´t hesitate and do it now. 🙂

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4 Responses

  • No tak len pre presne inoformacie. Kostarica nie je najdrahšou krajinou Južnej Ameriky. No keď je človek v Paname a nenavštívil San Blas tak tam ani nemusel jazdiť. Neverte týmto kecom. Panama vôbec nie je lacná!!! Ani ja som za tie roky nebol na Boca del Toro a to z dôvodu, že je tam poriadne draho. Ale San Blas? Veď je to indiánska rezervácia. Stojí vstup 100 USD. Keď chcete ísť na nejaký ostrov, zaplatíte len za člnok nejakých 30 USD. Neviem o čom tu píše táto slečna. Bola vôbec v Paname???

    • Ahoj Peter, snažím sa pochopiť tvoj celkom striktný názor na môj článok, ale tak teda, nie každý súhlasí so všetkým. Mala som svoje dôvody, prečo som na San Blas nešla a popravde to vôbec neľutujem, ale tak verim, že tebe sa tam ozaj páčilo (očividne). Panama je celkom drahá krajina, dokonca ma vyšla ešte drahšie ako Kostarika, ale tak všetko záleží od toho, ako cestujeme a aké máme priority. Nech sa ti v cestách darí. 🙂

    • There are no roads between these two countries so you cannot take any bus or car. There are few options by boats (one expensive through San Blas and one cheaper but more complicated through Turbo and few smalled villages) but I flew from Cartagena to Panama city.

      And PS: It is COLOMBIA. 😉 Good luck with you travels.

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