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After 7 years of crazy travelling adventures across the whole world I decided to give my homeland SLOVAKIA a chance for settling down. And for more adventures. That is why I decided to organize a project “SOLO ACROSS SLOVAKIA” which I plan to start in August 2019 and it will last few weeks. What will it be about?
Those who follow my adventures know that my main way of accommodation during my travels and way of my travelling as such is through COUCHSURFING. I have used couchsurfing in every country of Latin America, in few countries of Asia and also Europe. But I have never tried it back home in Slovakia.
Therefore, in August 2019 I am planning to pack one small backpack and travel through whole Slovakia using couchsurfing and hitchhiking only! And of course SOLO!
I would also like to stay at places of my friends, family relatives, MiliMundo followers and show the rest of the world that Slovaks are also generous people with good hearts.
Thanks to my project “SOLO ACROSS SLOVAKIA” I would like to point out that Slovak people can be nice, generous and also open minded. And how it looks like to be a tourist in my own country. I want to prove that there are Slovaks who are willing to help other fellow travellers selflessly and show them the best of their culture.
Besides that I would like to share with all of you hidden beauty and treasures of Slovakia, unique spots and off the beaten places of my homeland.
I usually travel without any set itinerary especially when I travel long term. I go with a flow. And this is the way how I would like to do it during my project.
What is guaranteed is a fact that I will start travelling in the eastern part of Slovakia (where I am from) and I will try to get to the most western part of my country. Places in between are so far unknown.
I will go anywhere people invite me to through couchsurfing or through my MiliMundo blog. I will try to make it as spontaneous as possible. As in any other journey I make in the world.
Do you live in Slovakia and you want to host me or show me the best of the place you live in? Feel free to comment under this article or email me on It would be my pleasure. 🙂
Let´s explore the beauty of Slovakia together 🙂
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And if you are interested in articles on CENTRAL AMERICA – click HERE. On SOUTH AMERICA click HERE. 🙂
PS: Looking for great travel insurance with great prices? Insurance which you can book even when your journey has already started? Have a look at The True Traveller. I am more than happy with them. 🙂