Latin indigenous people

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Latin indigenous people

Real backpacking will not only teach you a lot about yourself but about cultures of other countries from completely different perspective. My backpacking through South America taught me a lot about local people, Latin indigenous tribes, their customs and traditions, their way of life. I would like to share with you some photos catching spontaneous moments of their lives and their culture. Photos of people who don´t need a lot to be happy and satisfied. Photos of people who lead completely different way of life than many of us do. People from who many of us should take example. Photos of Latin indigenous people.

Kids from Colombian indigenous tribe “wiwa”. Photo was taken on a way to “Ciudad Perdida” in Colombian Sierra Nevada mountains.
Local people from Colombian indigenous tribe “wiwa”. Photo was taken on a way to “Ciudad Perdida” in Colombian Sierra Nevada mountains.
Kid from Colombian indigenous tribe “wiwa”.
2 ECUADOR (23)
Ecuadorian indigenous people called “Otavaleños” – small town Otavalo located around one hour from capital Quito – famous for the biggest indigenous market of South America
2 ECUADOR (24)
Ecuadorian indigenous women called “Otavaleñas”
2 ECUADOR (167)
Flower market in Cuenca, Ecuador
3 PERU (110)
Local street vendor on a way to Machu Picchu, Peru – seeing woman with her child working/selling is very common in South America
3 PERU (109)
Peruvian market vendors in Pisac, town in Sacred Valley of the Incas
3 PERU (108)
Peruvian market vendors in Pisac, town in Sacred Valley of the Incas
3 PERU (92)
Photo taken in small village Querulpa, Peru
Floating islands UROS – Samari – lake Titicaca, local people speak their proper language called “aimara”
Little girl from floating islands UROS – Samari – lake Titicaca
Floating islands UROS – Samari – lake Titicaca, local people speak their proper language called “aimara”
3 PERU (180)
Local vendor on island Taquile – lake Titicaca
4 BOLIVIA (59)
Bolivian street vendor, again working woman with her baby, Cochabamba
4 BOLIVIA (17)
The woman just saved this poor, lost and newly born animal at Isla del Sol – the biggest island of lake Titicaca belonging to Bolivia

Nowadays, many of us are spoilt. We have a lot but always want more and more. We are chasing for more money, better salaries, promotion at work. And very often we forget to appreciate what we have. Good health, loving family, supportive friends, roof over our heads. We take all these things for granted which is not right. During my travels (especially through South America) I met so many people who did not have almost anything but in spite of that they were happy with that little that had. We should take an example from such people and start enjoying our life with everything it gives us and offers us. Stop chasing for future, start enjoying present!

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