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Dear fellow readers,

I have recently added possibility of DONATE button and in this small section I would like to explain why I did so.

As most of you know, I work/worked/will work VERY HARD in order to afford to travel. I don´t have rich parents who would fund my travels neither don´t run well profiting business which would let me travel the world (well, hopefully one day in the future 😉 . In order to travel South America in 2015, I worked my butt off on a cruise ship in France as a waitress, working 11 to 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month, months straight… Right now, I am again on cruise ship working hard in order to save as much money as possible for my future travels. I am not lazy girl. I really try to work as hard as I can so I can achieve my goals, my dreams. And my dream is to TRAVEL THE WORLD. To learn. To teach. To know unknown. To explore unexplored. To try untried. To develop. To experience. To enjoy. Simply to LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST.

Moreover, I want to spread the idea of travelling. I want to motivate and inspire other people to travel. I want to share my travel experiences with all of you.

Therefore, any kind of your financial donation would not only help me make my dream come true and to see another part of the world, but will also give me the opportunity to write about it and share my crazy travel stories & adventures with the rest of the world and with YOU.

I am not sure if I can express my gratitude enough to those who have already helped me or will help me to achieve my goals but trust me – I will never forget it!


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