Favourite places of Slovakia according to my fellow Slovak travellers

I know. Presently in these difficult coronavirus times we do not talk a lot about travelling. Well, we actually cannot travel. Most borders are closed. Airports as well. We all hope that the pandemic will end soon. However, because we cannot travel now it doesn´t necessarily mean we have to stop dreaming about it. We can keep making travel plans and as soon as it will be safe to travel again, we can start fulfilling our travel dreams.

The last eight years I spent travelling, working and living in various countries worldwide. In November 2019 I came back to Slovakia with intention to (try to) settle down and to travel my whole beautiful country. In a way I used to do in South America, Central America or in Asia. With a help of couchsurfing and sometimes with a help of hitchhiking. I am aware that today (April 2020) this idea is unimaginable, however, I believe I will be able to fulfil my travel dream about Slovakia soon. Very soon. And that is why I asked couple of my Slovak fellow travellers this question:

“Which are your most favourite places or hiking trails in Slovakia which you would recommend to Slovak and/or foreign travellers?”

Thanks to their answers I was able to add few extraordinary places to my Slovak bucket list and hopefully this will inspire you to come and visit my breathtaking country once it will be safe to travel again.

Because I am sure that Slovakia has a lot to offer! 🙂   

TOP places of Slovakia according to:

Marcel from El Mundo

I come from the nicest place in Slovakia, from region Liptov and that is why my tips will be from North of Slovakia. I love mountains and therefore I truly recommend a crossing of “Tatran Magistrála” with an overnight stay at “Sliezsky dom”. The total length is 72 km, however, you can join part of this trek actually from anywhere.

The second recommendation is our symbol called “Kriváň” with the altitude of 2495 meters. Especially if you are a foreign tourist, you cannot skip this place. It is a unique peak which cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. For better experience I recommend to contact local groups which organize early hike up in order to enjoy sunrise.

You can follow Marcel on his INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK PAGE.

Views over Kriváň are breathtaking
“Východná Vysoká, Tatranská Magistrála”

Gabriel from Neobsedím Doma

My favourite village from whole Slovakia is definitely Špania Dolina which is registered at Unesco World Heritage. I love walks in between mining houses and breathtaking romantic sunset from Maximilian pile, ideally with a glass of wine in great company. 🙂

The second option could be Hriňovské lazy. This is the best place to visit during spring when all the fruit trees are blossoming. It is magical to walk around the farmer´s lands and enjoy beautiful views on blooming nature.

You can follow Gabriel on his INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK PAGE.

Hriňovské lázy
Village Špania Dolina

Rado from Nie Je Túra Bez Štúra

While touring around Slovakia I am trying to switch between city touring and the one in our beautiful nature. I have a long list of my favourite places in Slovakia, however, I am going to share with you only two. My first recommendation is Telgárt. Already a train ride towards this part of our country is a unique experience. Telgárt is known for “Chmarošský viaduct” but also for its Telgárt viaduct. Nature in this part of Slovakia is simply magical.

I also love castle ruins and wooden churches, therefore, my second recommendation is a small church in Tatranská Javorina which is consecrated for St. Anna – patron of work.

You can follow Rado on his INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK PAGE.

Wooden church in Tatranská Javorina

Viki & Dalibor from Slovak Travel Couple

We recommend to plan a trip to fabulous and most beautiful castle of Slovakia – BOJNICE. You can also stop by at the Bojnice ZOO, Museum of Prehistory or at nice viewpoint “Čajka v Oblakoch”. Pieniny park is our another recommendation with breathtaking nature. You can also visit Nestville Park where the first Slovak whiskey is made or stop by at chocolate factory Nestville.  From Pieniny you should head towards stone pit Skrabské where you can relax at magical scenery of mother nature and turquoise water.

You can follow Viki & Dalibor on their INSTAGRAM.

At Bojnice castle

Ivana Grešlíková

My favourite city of Slovakia is definitely Prešov. I know it better than palm of my hand, therefore, I can recommend you couple of local places, bars and restaurants in this city. For example Gottwaldka, Nico Caffé, Libresse or Local.

If you feel for more active exploring including some walking, then definitely visit beautiful restored Šariš castle, go for hiking at Zlatá baňa, in the woods of Čergov or trail from Šidlovec towards the peak Stráž. There is so much to see and do around Prešov.

You can follow Ivana on her FACEBOOK PAGE and YOUTUBE.

Views over historical centre of Prešov
Castle Šariš

Miška from Travelismus

I was lucky to be born in Orava where close-by western Tatras can be admired. I highly recommend to book a cottage for a weekend in Oravice or Zuberec where you can peacefully enjoy our fabulous nature. From both places you can easily get to the chalet Zverovka in Roháčska Dolina which represents the beginning for many hiking trails. To my favourite ones belong peak Salatín (1630 m), Roháčské plesá (1719 m) and Ostrý Roháč (2088 m). After a tough hiking day you can relax in thermal spa in close-by Oravice town. I am sure you will love it here.

You can follow Miška on her INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK PAGE.

Western Tatras

Peťo from Cestuj po svete

I like different places and hiking trails in each season. During summer I recommend mountain ridge of Low Tatras which is the most beautiful tour in Slovakia. It is part of a famous SNP trail (Slovak National Uprising) and takes around four, five days. It is a bit more difficult tour, however, definitely worth it. You will have views over Low as well as High Tatras.

During autumn my recommendation goes to city Banská Štiavnica. Winter time is devoted to Slovak Paradise and its frozen waterfalls with zero tourists. And during spring it is really nice to visit Muránska planina where you can observe horses, ruins of the Muránsky castle and blossoming flowers.

You can follow Peťo on his INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK PAGE.

Low Tatras
Sunset in Banská Štiavnica
Slovak Paradise and its frozen Waterfalls in winter

Alex from Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Because I come from Eastern Slovakia I can recommend some unique places which are located in this part of my home country. My first recommendation is Morské oko. It is the third biggest natural lake of Slovakia which was created by volcano activity. Since 2007 it has been registered with UNESCO World Heritage. It is a truly beautiful and usually peaceful lake with which you will fall in love easily.

Morské oko also lies at the bottom of peak Sninský kameň (Snina Rock) which was also created by volcano activity. It can be admired from my home town Snina and his peak is at the altitude of 1006m. There is a blue hiking trail mark between Morské oko and Sninský kameň. An amazing hike.

You can follow Alex on her INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK. Or simply visit her web Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler.

Beautifully green Morské oko


Only because I have travelled a lot worldwide the last eight years, it doesn´t mean I haven´t explored anything from my home country. I did see and visit many beautiful places of Slovakia and my first recommendation is an ascent to the highest peak of Slovakia – GERLACH. Click HERE to get more info about this breathtaking hike in The High Tatras.

My second recommendation is a hike to “Sninský kameň” from where you have beautiful views all over the Vihorlat hills, including Morské Oko lake. Sninský kameň is located in the Eastern part of Slovakia, not too far from the place I come from.

You probably already follow my social media but in case that not, feel free – INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK.

Gerlach hike
Views from Sninský kameň

So what do you say about this collection of places in Slovakia? Are they worth visiting my country? 

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