Does COVID-19 alias CORONAVIRUS have a positive side?

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Corona, corona, corona … Corona is everywhere. Unfortunately not the beer but the virus. I don´t mean physically, that everyone is infected. God thanks NO. But everyone talks about it. Writes about it. Reads about it. Makes videos about it. All social media are full of it. And this may cause panic. Chaos. Fear.
Even I fall prey to panic from time to time. Actually almost every day for couple of minutes. It comes in unexpected moments  and waves without any warning. 😀 😀 😀

However, after such a panic attack I start to breath properly, count till 10, slap myself (usually imaginary 😀 ), start smiling and thinking positively and say to myself: “Calm down girl, you and your family are healthy, that is important.” And then I simply move on.

But what does it mean to move on? I lost my job. Actually all of them (I had 3). I stayed without any income in a pretty expensive rent in capital of my country. And I have to be stuck in the apartment in Bratislava without family and close friends. All by myself. Well, I still have a roommate but our relationship is just about to develop, hopefully, not into negative direction. 😀         

But as I promised, I won´t be negative. There is so much of negativity regarding coronavirus and all the situation about it. That is why I decided to write something positive. To cheer you up. To cheer myself up. So what is my positive side of coronavirus situation? My quarantine?


1 I devote a lot of time to myself

Well, I don´t have many other options. 😀 In the beginning I haven´t seen it as an advantage and actually I am still struggling with it. However, I started to realize I can do things I haven´t been doing because I was always super busy. I started to do yoga, exercise, take care of my body, mind, soul. I have more time for reading. Thinking. Confirming of what I really want in my life. After a very long time I actually have time only for myself!

2 I live more healthy

Since the whole coronavirus panic started, I have started to take care of myself more than before. I eat more healthy. I eat more fruit, drink more water. I do yoga. Stretching. I exercise a lot.  Push ups. Squats. I believe that by the end of the whole coronavirus, I will be actually a damn good looking girl with a body of a professional fitness girl. Hell yeah, can´t wait to start dating again. 😀

3 Staying in touch with people

I am not talking about personal contact or touch. I mean virtual. Or on the phone. Since it all started, my mom has started calling me twice a day. I talked to my aunties and cousins that I haven´t heard about for weeks. I skype with my friends more often than before. I talk to people I haven´t talked to in months. So yeah, coronavirus has its positive side. I am getting closer with people who were not in touch with me so often because I was always so busy in my life. No I have more time than you can imagine.

4 Environment

I am not a passionate environmentalist girl who is a vegetarian or a vegan (hell no!). I don´t watch documentaries about how to save our planet (although I DO separate rubbish!)  and I am not that much into environmentalist talk. But I have to admit that by reducing all the transportation worldwide, less airplanes in the sky, less buses and cars in the street, … We are saving out mother Earth. We are creating less smog. We are causing less pollution and contamination. And maybe our planet needed it.

5 Creativity

Being “locked up” in between four walls makes me crazy. But sometimes it is good. Because sometimes I get new ideas. New thoughts. I feel more creative. Maybe till the end of coronavirus situation, I will come up with ideas for my own business. How to make money online. Or I will start writing another book. Let´s see but for sure I can say that my creativity has no limits right now.

Locked up in between four walls of my room … Let´s give my creativity some space 🙂


So my dear readers, I don´t want you to think about me that I am taking an irresponsible attitude towards the situation with coronavirus. I know how serious everything is. That is why I haven´t travelled home to eastern part of Slovakia where my whole family is – just to make sure I won´t infect anyone in case I am a transmitter. Because anyone can be infected without knowing about it.  

However, I decided to write this article to show the positive side of everything. Because every coin has two sides. Everything happens for a reason. Let´s try not to panic, stay calm, be responsible and let´s try to find something positive about the situation we cannot change right now.

If you liked the article and want to contribute to MiliMundo (well yeah, times won´t be easy without job now), don´t hesitate and do it now. I won´t disagree 🙂

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One Response

  • I’m agree with many of this points that you share on your new article and of course all of us we should try to always find the positive side from every little situation even if it seems really difficult sometimes. Some of the points that I’m totally agree with them are to have more time for yourself and develop different parts on your life and of course the environment side… Let’s think that maybe the pollution can reduce a bit during this time.

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