Cruise Diary Part 6 – Finally Leaving – How was my Last Week Onboard of Hell Ship?

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I start writing this article in the plane – on my way back to Amsterdam. With a smile on my face. But with kind of ironical smile. And why?! Because I cannot believe what happened to me during my last week onboard and how this nightmare still continues even now in plane. I start having a feeling that my famous luck really disappeared on a day I left my heaven ship in Amsterdam. Now I can only hope that my luck will find its way back to me once I get back to my previous ship. 🙂

So how was my last week onboard of hell ship?!

Let me tell you about my incidents one by one:

10 days before my departure I fell down the stairs – you could see my bruises and grazes on FB & Instagram of MiliMundo as well as in the 4th part of my cruise diary. That time I hoped it was the last time when something unpleasant happened to me. Unfortunately I was wrong.

Approximately 3 days afterwards I started to feel sick. In a way of running nose, sore throat, headaches. So I started to take my medicine from back home in order to get better as soon as possible. However, my medicine didn´t work and I started to feel worse day by day. Next 3 days I was working with fever, pain in my ears and actually with pain of my whole body. On Sunday morning I was not able to get up from my bed and I was forced to go to the nearest hospital so I could get some antibiotics and proper medicine. The closest hospital (which would be open on Sunday afternoon) was around 30km from the ship so I had to take a taxi.

So how does it work in Portuguese hospitals? 

Firstly, receptionist will need around 25 min in order to fill in some papers and rewrite my personal data from my ID. After checking all documents (already back on ship) I found out that this “lovely” person was not even able to write my name properly after such time looking at my ID. Please, call me MILDA from now on. 😀 After the bureaucracy part, I was finally able to see a doctor. I call him doctor “amazing”. So this doctor “amazing” surely didn´t speak any English and he barely looked at my throat. And measuring fever – well that was not his thing. After 5 minutes listening to my chest full of phlegm he came to conclusion that I don´t need any antibiotics. That the only thing I need is to drink a lot of liquids and tea. Uff, people, you cannot imagine my reaction. I almost exploded! After 5 minutes of arguing, doctor “amazing” decided to give me some antibiotics and medicine. And did I mention that I had to pay for this “examine” 40 euro?! Well, this was my first and hopefully last experience with Portuguese hospitals and doctors. But not to be that strict with doctor “amazing”, I must say he did one great thing – gave me paper with 4 day work incapacity. At least something …

After arrival to my hell ship I talked to my managers that I was not able to work till I leave (3 days later) or till I get better. Surely, nobody was happy about that but my health is more important, right? I had feeling that my colleagues were angry with me, they barely said hi to me. I understood that they had more job to do as they were suddenly one person less in restaurant. But what should I have done? Continue working with fever? No. No. No. Sometimes we have to be selfish and think about us more than the others. Of course, I was disappointed but I knew that my health is more important than work.

So my last days onboard were not easy. But how was my very last day? Day before departure? Early in the morning our housekeeper entered my room and told me and my 2 Brazilian roommates we had to leave this cabin immediately. That someone else is coming here instead. I needed to spend one more night onboard of this ship. I was not happy about such change so I asked her whether I could stay one more night in the same cabin. Meanwhile she went to find out answer to my question, I started packing. Just in case. After half an hour she told me it would be fine to stay one more night where I am under one condition – I would have 3 new roommates – 3 MEN! For one, last night onboard of hell ship. Honestly, I didn´t care. I was so sick and without energy that I didn´t complain and I simply agreed. After one hour my new roommates brought their stuff into the cabin and found out that I would stay with them one more night. Surely, they weren´t upset about this and after some inappropriate jokes I turned around in my bed and continue in resting. As next day I was about to fly back to Amsterdam and start working. I needed energy. A lot of energy. So my last night onboard of hell ship was a night when I couldn´t fall asleep at least till 4AM as my new roomies were snoring all night long.  Simply great ending to my hell ship chapter. 😀

To conclude I just say that on my very last day I simply said nice good-bye to all of my colleagues, took a taxi and didn´t even look back at the ship. The journey to the airport was supposed to last 15 min, it took me 45 min to get there. We stayed 30 min in traffic jam. My plane was supposed to leave at 11AM, it left at 12:20. And last but not the least, this place is full of crying babies.

I ask myself – can it be even worse?! 😀

Probably now you understand why I am smiling with that hidden irony on my face. But you know what?! I say to myself that it is not worth crying any more. Smile is nicer and doesn´t take so much energy. 🙂

On my way to my previous ship in Amsterdam – feeling relieved & happy 🙂

I wanted to add some info about my arrival to my previous happy ship but this article is already long enough. So in the next article you will have a chance to read about my coming back to Amsterdam & my first impressions on heaven ship.

Meanwhile keep fingers crossed for me so I am healthy enough to work and that my previous ship is as amazing as it was before…

PS: The tips from the last week were the worst I have ever had in my life. Only 10 euro of personal tips.

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