I am aware of that famous saying: “You will always regret what you didn´t do rather than what you did.” but is it really true?! Isn´t it sometimes better to think twice what we do before we actually do it? Especially if it can harm others?
OK, maybe my introduction seems to be waaay too serious but let me explain you my case. You know that each place or country is always famous for something! I mean worldwide famous. Like if you go to Peru, you MUST visit Machu Picchu. If you go to East Coast of the USA, you MUST see Niagara Falls. If you go to Paris, you MUST experience views from Eifel Tower, etc… True?!
So in January 2015 I went for my first longer backpacking trip to THAILAND! And you know what Thailand is famous for, right? Sex-tourism, so called “shemales” cabarets, vagina ping pong shows, Thai boxing, elephant riding, etc … Surely it is popular for its amazing islands with breath-taking beaches, pure nature and special atmosphere but those above mentioned things are always the one which will grab your attention at first!
And during my very first backpacking trip through this amazing country I made couple of mistakes. Like arranging half of the trip through local Thai agency (such a stupidity!) or taking advice of very first person we met on our way for TUK TUK riding (it was a person looking for tourists and making them go to different shows to spend a lot of money). But we all make mistakes, right? All of us have been once beginners at something. As I was at backpacking and longer travelling in January 2015.
So what are THE 3 Things I Regret Doing in Thailand?! Let´s have a look:
1. Attending famous “PING PONG” show
It was our very first night in Bangkok and the local guy persuaded us to attend famous vagina ping pong show. Well, honestly, we didn´t think a lot and did it. And it was horrible. On the one hand, I learned how female vagina flexible can be (like honestly I didn´t know what everything can be put in and out of women´s vagina, and guess what – I am woman haha) but on the other hand I felt really sorry for those women who OBVIOUSLY did it only for money (which they need unconditionally), and with complete disgust. NEVER EVER more!!

2. Elephant Riding
We took a 3 day tour to Thai jungle in the north of Thailand, close to Chiang Mai. The tour included elephant riding so we took it for granted and didn´t think about any consequences. However, after I saw how these amazing animals were beaten in order to “give a ride” to US – disrespectful human being aka tourists, I felt terrible. So one more time, NEVER EVER riding an elephant!!
3. Participating in “HUMAN ZOO”
Close to Chiang Mai, there is a possibility to visit KAREN long neck tribes. It is actually a small village where all indigenous women wear “golden” collars and look like having incredibly long necks. From small girls to old ladies. All of them. And once I entered this village, I started to feel very uncomfortable. I realized I was in HUMAN ZOO where all tourists where simply taking pictures without realizing that these women have to show themselves, their values and strong traditions in order to get some money and survive this cruel world. Fortunately, I got beautiful opportunity to talk to one of the ladies and her small daughter who explained me little bit more about their traditions and how they feel about all of this. In reverse, I bought a scarf made by herself as a gift for my mum and at the same time as something that would represent how some people have to suffer in order to survive in this world of compelling tourism…
To sum up, I really do REGRET doing these things in Thailand, HOWEVER, on the other hand, if I hadn´t done them, I would have never found out what all of this really was about. I wouldn´t have learnt from my mistakes. I wouldn´t have gained new experience into my life which somehow changed my way of thinking and my looking at touristic attractions & tourism as such. So all in all, I must say that everything has its pros and cons and probably we shouldn´t regret things we do in our life.
Because if you try something and it is good then it is AMAZING, and if it is bad then it is EXPERIENCE! Everything happens for a reason in our life, right?! 😉
So do you agree or disagree??? 🙂
In case you would like to know more about my trip through Thailand, have a look at my article Thailand – Country of Compelling Tourism.
[…] part of cruel Thai tourism – do not recommend elephant riding – also this belongs to things I would not repeat in Thailand (actually […]