Those who read my blog´s articles regularly know that at the beginning of 2017 I made another radical life decision. And thus to quit my amazing jobs in Prague and leave my kind of comfortable lifestyle in PRAGUE and start working on cruise ships in order to save enough money for my adventurous travelling. As the one through THAILAND or SOUTH AMERICA. You can read about the details of my decision in the article “How I Quit my Jobs, Start from Zero & Follow my Travel Dreams“.
In this article I would like to confess you how (and if) my plans have been working for me, what I have been through in the last 6 months and how I managed to visit and travel through 11 countries within the last 6 months.

The first three months of 2017 I lived in Prague where I worked as a meeting point manager and a tour guide for two different travel companies. One of my favourite jobs was a guide for stag parties. Hell yeaah, that was a job for me! 🙂 At my free extended weekends I used to go home to Slovakia to spend some time with my family or to travel through pearl of my country – HIGH TATRAS. During my “regular” free weekend I used to organize short day trips AROUND PRAGUE or travel to neighbouring countries such as Hungary or Poland. In January I took my younger sister for a trip to Rome and I must say that even during winter time it was worth it. Rome is beautiful. At the beginning of April I moved all my stuff back to Slovakia where I stayed for the whole month with my family and friends. I needed to recharge my batteries as I knew that the following months on a ship would be truly exhausting.

So during the first 4 months of 2017 I got to travel a bit of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and I went for a weekend trip to Italy. But how did I manage to get to 6 more countries within next 2 months??
At the beginning of May I flew to Swiss Basel where I (AGAIN after 3 years) started to work as a waitress on river cruise ship. If you want to know more about my life onboard of cruise ship, click HERE, where I have summarized all the parts of my cruise diary. And trust me that you will laugh at many of my experiences from cruise ships as some of them are truly funny. Especially the one from my hell ship in Portugal. 😉
Well, and thanks to my work on cruise ship I got the opportunity to travel a bit of Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. My favourite country is so far Portugal where I especially enjoyed coastal town Porto and some less known towns such as Favaios or Barca de Alva. I have also written an article about the excursions of the hell ship in Portugal & Spain, check it out HERE. Read it in case you are about to visit these two countries and you need some inspiration for your itinerary. 😉 And although this type of travelling is not exactly what my adventurous soul grieves for, I still try to enjoy it to the fullest and get to know unknown.

By working on a cruise ship not only save I money for my wished for adventures through Latin America which I am gonna start realizing at the beginning of 2018, but I also get to travel through Europe and explore unexplored. I get to know places I have never been to before, and thus I join the duty with an entertainment.
To sum up, in the first half year of 2017 I was able to visit, travel and/or work in 11 European countries (SVK, the CZ, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain). And especially thanks to my RIVER CRUISE SHIP JOB I could explore beautiful places of Europe, get to know unknown and meet incredible people. I cannot express enough how HAPPY I feel for the life I have and I wish all of you to be at least as happy as I am – because LIFE IS TOO SHORT NOT TO BE FULLY HAPPY!!! 🙂

So what do you say about my first 6 months of 2017?! Pretty active, right?! And what about your first half year? Are you fulfilling your dreams as well?? Let me know and leave some comments below so I can get some inspiration from you, too.
Carpe Diem my friends! Keep doing what makes you happy:)
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